Roadtrip 2017 – Exploring The West – Day 11 – July 20th
Having spent a second night in the parking lot of a truck stop, I really needed to start my day with a shower. I decided to investigate the option of using the showers in truck stops. You can read more about that at ‘Roadtrip 2017 – Showering At A Truck Stop‘.
After a nice warm shower, Marley and I headed to the Ritzville McDonald’s for breakfast. While there I used their WiFi to pay some bills, and checked my emails. Afterwards, I stopped at the Exxon station, fueled up, and walked Marley. I was approached by a guy that wanted to know what kind of dog Marley is. He also had some questions about traveling with a dog, what motels will allow them, and how to travel cheaply. After sharing some things I had learned, we were finally back on the road.
I found a route out of town to avoid taking the interstate. We took E. Danekas Road east to N. Hills Road, and then followed that road to the town of Harrington. I drove through a dust storm on my way to Harrington. I thought maybe someone was plowing a field, but it as just the wind blowing across these open fields.
From Harrington we took SR 28 east (north) to US 2. We followed US 2 east through Spokane, and in to Idaho. We stopped at the Little Caesars in Ponderay, Idaho and grabbed a pizza. Cooking out on the grill is great, but I was really craving a pizza.
After filling up on pizza, we continued east on US 2 in to Montana.
While following US 2, I came across a visitor center in Troy Montana. It was a good place for Marley and I to use the restroom and stretch. Ok, I used the restroom. Marley peed on about a hundred different blades of grass.
There was a big creek there that flowed in to a nearby river. There was just something about the clear stream, comfortable temperature, and clean air that made me decide to stick around for a while.
I passed the Kootenai River Campground before I got to Troy, so I went back to see if they had any sites available. This was an older privately owned campground that sat right next to the Kootenai River. I lucked out and got this great campsite.
After setting up camp, Marley and I walked over to look at the river. We stopped along the way and watched this deer for a moment.
The river was beautiful. I’m surprised people don’t camp here and raft or kayak on it.
When we got back to camp, I lit the grill and cooked some bar-b-que beans and sausages.
I was originally only going to stay the night. There was a couple from Texas on the site across from me. It’s funny how many Texas people I run in to camping. They’re all trying to escape the Texas heat. The guy was really nice, and gave me some tips on places to see while I was in the area. Following his advice, I decided to stay another night.
Roadtrip 2017 – Exploring The West – Day 11 – July 20th
I love the smell of bacon in the morning!
The day started out with a shower, and then bacon and eggs cooked on the grill.
Marley and I headed out to see Yaak Falls. This is also the area of Tom Oar from History’s ‘Mountain Men’.
We got to Yaak Falls by heading west on US 2 to NF-508. Yaak Falls is a beautiful area, and we were the only one there. No tourists. No traffic. Just the beauty of nature and the sound of the water.

Apparently the bears like this spot too. Maybe that’s why nobody else is here….
NF-508 will take you up to the town of Yaak, and through the Kootenai Forest.
I continued around the mountain and came to Lake Koocanusa.
I then followed the road along the lake to Libby Dam.
The road eventually lead me back to US 2.
Heading back west on US 2, we stopped at Osprey Landing. Osprey Landing is a small park and boat launch along the Kootenay River.
From there we continued west on US 2, and turned south on SR 56. We followed SR 56 to the Ross Creek Giant Cedars. They’re not the giant redwoods of California, but they’re very impressive.
There was something very enchanting about this forest. I felt as though hobbits should have been lurking about.
That’s a big tree! Hey look, an Oak and a Cedar!
After a day of exploring, it was time to head back to camp. I lit the grill and cooked up some steak and potatoes, along with some left over beans from the night before.
After that I made a campfire, and relaxed with a nice cold Angry Orchard.
Rivers, waterfalls, lakes, mountains, giant trees, grilled steaks, an adult beverage, and my dog by myself. How can it get any better than that?
After relaxing for the evening, Marley and I finally called it a night.
In the morning we would be heading to Glacier National Park, and I was already anticipating how beautiful it was going to be.
Roadtrip 2017 – Exploring The West – Main Page
Roadtrip 2017 – Exploring The West – Day 13